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25/01 Theorie Hochsee Januar 2025 Mittwoch

CHF 800.00

Nur noch wenige Plätze

KURSBEGINN: Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2025

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Course material and examination fee are not included in the price! The course material can be purchased in our webshop, the examination fee will be invoiced directly by the chosen examination center (CCS/SYA).

3 in stock

SKU: K-23-03-1 Category:


An 12 Abenden à 2.5 Stunden vermitteln wir Dir den gesamten Lernstoff. Da wir erst um 19.00 Uhr beginnen kannst Du bequem und ohne Zeitdruck nach Deinem Arbeitstag diesen Kurs besuchen. Das Clublokal liegt unmittelbar am schönen Zürichsee und ist gut mit dem Auto und dem öffentlichen Verkehr erreichbar. Es sind genügend Parkplätze vorhanden und der Bahnhof ist nur gerade 10 Gehminuten vom Lokal entfernt. Pro Woche musst Du mit 1 bis 3 Stunden Selbststudium zu Hause rechnen.

Our lessons are based on the documents of the CCS (Cruising Club Switzerland) and the book "Seemannschaft", a standard work of nautical literature. We work on all the basics together and consolidate them in the classroom with practical exercises.

  • Navigation: Handling nautical charts, chart sets and course conversion.
  • Wind and stream: Influence of wind and current on my course.
  • Positioning: Positioning using handheld compass, radar and GPS.
  • Tides: Determination of tides and tidal currents in relation to a specific time and location
  • Seamanship/maritime law: Safety equipment, seamanship, collision prevention rules (COLREGs).
  • Meteorology: Recognition of weather changes and influence on cruise planning

Additional information


12 x Mittwoch Abend, beginnend am Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2025


19:00 – 21:30


Bootssport-Club Thalwil, Seestrasse 88, 8800 Thalwil (parking spaces available)


For the lessons you will need: Training folder, questionnaire, exercise card, card 1, marine compass, course and mooring triangle, note-taking and writing materials.
The course material ordered from us will be delivered to you at the start of the course.


The course costs do not include Course material (CHF 250.-) and one-off examination fee (CHF 300.-)
